It is a white label product developed for SOUL FOOD by Nhlayisa Power Supply. It is tasty, high in energy, protein and dietary fibre and well balanced with all available vitamins.
Each 1kg POWA Pack costs R75 and provides 25 x 40g meals (R2,00c a meal). This includes VAT, packaging, warehousing, transport and distribution.
We currently distribute 20 000 POWA Packs (500 000 meals) a month from our Distribution Centre in Spartan Johannesburg.
The SOUL FOOD model is to deliver the food to kitchens or food preparation areas in schools, ECD centres, shelters, community centres, orphanages, clinics and old age homes. We do not hand out food parcels but instead encourage beneficiaries to bring their own plates, mugs or other containers to the kitchen where the food is properly prepared and distributed. This reduces theft, wastage and the food goes much further. It is a far more sustainable model.
POWA Pack Anthem

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and expand the Soul Food project.