Currently 15 million meals a year or 1,36 million a month.

BeneficiariesDaily MealsAnnual MealsPercentage
School Feeding Schemes33 5759 952 50066,35%
Creches & Orphanages5 4451 633 50010,89%
Hospitals/Clinics3 100930 0006,20%
Old Age Homes3 9851 195 5007,97%
Shelters2 390717 0004,78%
Other1 905571 5003,81%
Total50 00015 000 000100,00%
Males7 050 00047,00%
Females7 950 00053,00%
Disabled2 700 00018,00%
African12 097 50080,65%
Coloured1 305 0008,70%
Indian/Asian360 0002,40%
White1 170 0007,80%
Other/Unknown67 5000,45%

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Your contribution will help the Soul Provider Trust to sustain
and expand the Soul Food project.